Our Terms and Conditions.

  • Booking Fee – A booking fee of £60.00 is payable on booking the Wedding. This fee is deducted from the total price on completion of the contract.
  • Progress Payment – 8 weeks prior to the Wedding or at the latest 6 weeks a sum equal to 50% of the minimum order value shall be made as a progress payment.,
  • Payments – The balance of fees due are to be paid on receipt of the completed album. Any additional prints are payable cash on delivery to qualify for prices as quoted in our price list. Payments for Weddings are due four weeks from the date of the Wedding or on delivery of the completed album – whichever comes sooner.
  • Display – Our terms allow us to display any photograph taken either on location in the studio or as a sample in a portfolio . No use will be made by ourselves for any other commercial reasons without the permission of the client.
  • Photographs – All photograph sizes are nominal. We will provide a pleasing colour balance but cannot guarantee exact colour matching owing to anomalous reflectance caused by a combination of certain dyes and materials, especially man made fibres it is sometimes impossible to record on film the exact colour of materials as seen by the human eye.
  • Retouching – Retouching , artist finishing and digital manipulation is available as an optional extra
    Re-orders – All re-orders shall be treated as an extension to the the main contract . No responsibility will be accepted unless instructions are received in writing by fax or email.
  • Copyrights – The Copyright Act 1988 assigns the copyright to the photographer. It is contrary to the act to copy or allow to be copied by any means any photographs or magnetic media supplied by ourselves. We will prosecute infringements.
  • Licence – We shall be granted artistic licence in relation to the poses photographed and the location used. The photographers judgement regarding the locations, poses, and the number of photographs shall be deemed to be correct.
  • Prices – All services and / or goods are supplied at the prices ruling at the time of supply . All prices are ex works.
  • Force Majeure – The due performance of the contract is subject to alteration or cancellation by ourselves owing to any cause beyond our control. In the unlikely of a total photographic failure or cancellation of the contract we shall be limited to a full refund of monies paid.
  • Cancellation – In the event of a cancellation of the contract less than 12 weeks prior to the date of the Wedding a sum equal to 30% of the current price of the minimum order specified shall be made, within 6 weeks 40% or within 3 weeks 50% payable as compensation being an agreed estimate of the loss suffered / costs incurred by the procurement of material for the contract. Any overprinted albums made specifically for a contract will be invoiced in full.
  • Negatives – Digital Media – Negatives and digital media are kept on an active file for 6 months, after which time we reserve the right to charge a search fee in addition to prices in force at the time. Negatives remain our property and shall be kept on file for at least 10 years from the date of commission.
  • Cheques – We accept cheques as payment for goods , however, we reserve the right to charge £10.00 in the event of a cheque being dishonoured.
  • Special Orders – Any item ordered especially for the performance of a contract such as an overprinted album will be charged in full in the event of cancellation / change of date.
  • Statuary Interest – We reserve the right to charge statuary interest and late payment surcharge on overdue accounts.
  • Credit Card Payments – Due to a fixed monthly fee imposed by the UK banks of £50.00 for the chip and pin machine / monthly charge minimum we have had to make alternative arrangements for card payments – In the event of the only method available being credit card we accept payment via Paypal – IDGOREPHOTO@O2.CO.UK
  • City Centre Charges – We reserve the option to recharge any city centre parking charges as well as congestion / road toll which may be imposed in the performance of any contract.


Privacy Statement

  • On visiting this site your email details are not recorded – no record will be kept of your visit apart from an entry on a hit counter that a visit has been made, and even that is not shown on the site.
  • Should you contact us by email we hold incoming mails on file for 3 months after which time they are deleted unless an order has been placed.
  • Any email details of our clients along with other details required to perform the contract are held in a secure database which is password protected.
  • No details are passed on to third parties and under no circumstances are details sold on as contact lists.

You can contact Peter using our contact form, or call him on 01925 264752 or Mobile 07836 582823.

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